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15 Simple Reasons Your Dreams Are Not Coming True

So many things vie for your attention in life. Daily tasks, bills, people, etc. But what about your dreams? Is there something you want to accomplish but haven’t been able to? It can be hard to accept that your dreams are not coming true.

Well, you don’t have to just accept something you can change. Every day you wake with a choice to just live through the motions or make sure every task, habit, routine, etc leads exactly to your dreams.

Here we will talk about 15 Simple Ways Your Dreams Are Not Coming True.

If you are serious about living a life that brings you ultimate satisfaction, stick around and learn how to fix a few things that may be preventing you from becoming your best self.

Being intentional is a positive way to make your dreams come true.

You’re Not Being Intentional About it

Intentionality is doing something with a purpose in mind. 

No one can make you do something you don’t want to do. (Do You Have the Will). If you want something you will need to decide to make it happen.

This is more than just saying you want your dreams to come true. You will need to make your dream something you can grasp. (how to turn your dream into a reality). This means you should take it out of thin air and put it on paper, draw it, create a vision board, etc.

It’s not enough to just want something. You will need to put some work into it. The work is not just idly doing tasks. It’s being intentional about what you are doing.

Example: Instead of just cooking dinner not knowing, caring, or even paying attention to what you are doing; you become intentional and create a menu of what you WANT to eat and cook. 

You are the master of your choices. Only you can decide what to do it and do it.

Making excuses will hinder your dreams from coming true.

Are You Making Excuses

Either you want the dream, or you don’t. 

Making excuses is just a reason to keep you from moving forward. This can stem from many different things. Such as fear, doubt, no real desire, validation, etc.

You will need to be honest about what it is you want in life. To do this you will have to leave the excuses at the door.

No one knows your dreams like you do.

If you are making excuses for why you cannot do something you never will move past where you are. Making excuses is simply saying you are ok with remaining where you are.

But I’m going to guess if you are reading this post you no longer want to do things that will keep you from moving forward on your journey.

So, try being accountable for your actions. If you are not happy with an action you have done or doing change it.

Have You Created A Vision Board

A vision board is a visual representation of your dreams/goals.

If you want to be a renowned chef, you will have images that match the vision in your heart. It could be an image of a chef working at a certain restaurant. 

Make sure your images match your vision as much as possible. If you create a sloppy board, your final result will be sloppy too.

Creating a vision board is more than having a board of pictures on them. These pictures should match what you want in life. Be intentional about what you choose to put on there because you are attracting what’s there. 

Don’t create a board of someone else’s dreams, you may get what they have, but after doing all that you may wake up and realize how miserable you are because you didn’t chase what makes you happy.

Your dreams can be something as simple as starting a dog walking and grooming business. If it makes you happy pursuit it.

Note: It’s ok to not know what you want to do or what your passion is. Just chase what makes you happy, not who.

Do You Know What You Want

Not knowing everything about life is a part of life. To discover what you like, you will need to get to know yourself.

This will take your entire life because you are constantly evolving. Your dreams, goals, desires, etc. change as well. They are always evolving like you. So don’t beat yourself up about those things. 

Grow with the change, so that you are always filling up your cup, and adding value to your life.

On the other hand, not knowing what you want is like a dog chasing its tail. You are doing a task, but the task is neither helping nor taking you from your dream. You are considered stagnant. 

Start where you are. Discovering what you like is not a light bulb going off to change your direction or actions. It’s noticing you like or dislike something and doing something about it.

As you develop your sense of self, you are figuring out “I actually don’t like strawberry ice cream. I enjoy spending time with the person who loves going to the ice parlor”.

Discovering who you are is a journey and learn things about yourself as you live life with attention to detail.

Community will either be why your dreams came true, or why they fail.

Who Are You Surrounded By

The people around you will determine where you go. Energy is transferred. 

So, take a moment to reflect on who you are surrounding yourself (because you have a choice. Even not choosing is a choice). Because this will determine your journey. 

If you are surrounded by people who challenge you, make you try harder, support you, etc., you have a better chance at reaching your goals.

Surround yourself with people who inspire, uplift, challenge, teach you, and more about how to be like who you are aiming to be. 

Note: Yes, you should be aiming for something because aiming for nothing gets you nothing.

If you want to be a nurse, surround yourself with nurses who inspire you. 

Now, this does not mean if you are a teacher, you shouldn’t hang around a doctor. The goal is to surround yourself with people who are where you want to be or share your values, energy, and vibe.

Aim for your goals.

What Is Your Ultimate Goal

Do you know where you want to go? 

Your ultimate goal is kind of like a grand finale. What does your grand finale look like? If you could have any dream of yours before you leave this earth, what would it be?

Having a big picture laid out in front of you may make your smaller gaols lead you to your grand finale. This does not mean this is your only goal, it’s an exercise for you to determine what will make you happy.

If all ends be all, what goal would make you happy to accomplish?

Now of course this can change. It’s not a permanent response. You are allowed to grow and develop your wants and dreams too, but knowing where to start is a great idea and tool to help guide you.

Take a moment to consider what will make you happy in life. Again, if you don’t know. Just start where you are. Your dreams are sure to grow and/or change as you do.

Having a routine will help you stay consistent on your journey.

New Habits Or Same Old Routine

Old habits will not get you to new dreams. If it hasn’t been working or showing a sense of improvement up until now, why would eating a whole pie after working out, work now?

In order to be successful in anything you do, you need a routine. 

A routine is something you set to do and do it consistently no matter what. Like brushing your teeth every morning before breakfast or praying before going to bed.

Everyone’s routine is unique. So, yours will be too. 

Your routine will be unique to you. No one has the life you live with all the components or elements that make your life yours. So, why use someone else’s routine to make your dreams come true? Be unique to you.

Yes, it’s a great idea to learn from someone and to build healthy habits that will get you to where you want to go. However, having someone else dream as your own will not help you to a life of your own dreams.

It is ok to use someone else routine as a starting place. Especially, if you are unfamiliar with how to create or get started with them.

So, make sure you are learning and growing from others, but not mimicking there every move and calling it your own. 

You have your own story to tell. Live it so you can share it!

Pray your dreams are aligned with your purpose and that they come true.

Did You Pray About It

Aligning your goals with those of The Greater Power ensures you are living a life unique and worthy of you.

If you are unsure about what to do or where to go, prayer is a simple solution. No, it won’t always be answered on-site, but it will be answered in its time.

It’s safe to say, prayer is simply asking for assistance. You are human it is ok to ask for help sometimes.

If you don’t know which direction you should go in, prayer is a tool you can use to be shown the way.

Your dream is embedded within you. It can sometimes be hard to hear what direction is being given, because of outside noise and distractions.

Tapping into your inner being is a great way to learn what you want and who you are.

Trust that the bigger source around you got you. Some days are harder than others, but have you considered that your dreams may not be coming true because of the lack of accepting your dreams and moving forward accordingly?

Many times, people don’t realize, if only you asked, it may be given until you, (if it is in connection with your goal/purpose).

Do You Believe In Yourself/ Your Ability

Everything about your life starts and ends with you. A lot of the time your goals and dreams not coming true is a reflection of who you are and what you are accepting.

You are well capable of the life you want to live. It’s not about external validations or everyone’s opinions about your life or goals.

You need to be a cheerleader for yourself. Everyone you love won’t cheer you on about everything. This does not mean they don’t care, but the assignment wasn’t theirs to understand or support. It is yours.

Be ok with cheering yourself on.

Like in the movie Upward, as long as you believe in your steps, you will remain moving. It’s once you begin to doubt, question, or deny your steps that you begin to fall.

As long as you don’t give up, and believe in YOUR self, you can have ALL that you set your mind to.

We all want to have friends and support but are you supporting yourself?

Have You Tried Anything New

Doing what you’ve always done, will not ensure you have what you never had. You are responsible for the actions and choices you make. What have you done differently to get closer to your goal(s)?

This does not have to be a giant step. Baby steps are sometimes the best steps because you get to learn along the way.

What is one thing you can do differently today that will help you get closer to your goal? This of course means knowing what your goals are.

Would adding a 5 min stretch help you with your flexibility goal or cutting your sugar intake down by 5 tablespoons a day help with your sugar detox goal?

Whatever your goals are, if you don’t see progress after a reasonable time for your goal then maybe you try doing one thing differently today to see if there’s a change.

Sometimes your progress is more mental, or emotional than physical. This does not mean it’s not happening. You could be transforming.

Sometimes it’s not just eating less food to help you reach your weight loss goal. It can be a mental block or an emotional one.

Give yourself grace as you learn and figure out who you are and what will work in this season of your life.

Are You Applying Self-Discipline

Having self-discipline is a vital part of making your dreams come true. 

Without self-discipline, you may be more likely to get distracted and blown in a different direction. Not to mention the frustration that comes from doing something you know better not to do.

Self-discipline is the ability to control your impulses. Which means you are not just reacting to life. You are taking the time to consider what is going on and figuring out the best path forward for your goals/dreams.

Self-discipline is like a boundary where you are not allowing yourself to stray or get distracted.

It may look like putting your phone down at 9:30 pm so that you may be asleep by 11 pm, so you can wake up at 6:30 am.

Self-discipline is also a form of self-care. You are making your needs a priority to complete in the best interest of your journey.

If you want to write every day, self-discipline is choosing to write 350 words a day as a start. Putting away things that distract you.

The bottom line, self-discipline is choosing to prioritize your dreams/goals. So that they can come true.

You deserve your undivided attention. Take care of yourself.

What About Self-Care

How will you give someone air to breathe when you don’t have any?

So many of us were taught not to be selfish and put others before ourselves. Though this is something that can be practiced, living life for others is not living a life for you.

There is nothing you can do for others if you don’t have anything to give.

For example: if you are tired and ill, how can you be your best self and help someone else in need. 

You are important, and it is ok to take care of yourself. Because only then can you be the best you can for someone else.

Self-care is basically taking care of your needs. And being selfish is a form of selfcare. This could look like saying no to people who drain you and make you feel less than who you are.

You are not obligated to put anyone before yourself, love is a choice. So, is putting someone above yourself. Don’t feel bad for setting boundaries or saying no sometimes. Because sometimes you just need to rest and recuperate from situations in your life.

Self-care is essential for your dreams to come true. If you’re not applying self-care in your life you could experience burnout, feelings of giving up, doubt, and more.

Your dreams not coming true could simply be not practicing self-care.

Where’s Your Plan

Just saying it, is not enough. Creating a game plan will take it from imaginary to reality.

It’s safe to say that having a plan is a great foundation. This gives you a sense of direction and clarity.

No, things won’t always go to plan, but having one is like having a map. You may not always know where the detours roadblocks, or accidents are on the road, but you have an idea of where you are going and how you are going to get there.

It is ok if plans don’t always go accordingly. 

The purpose is to have a guide.

Knowing where you are going and getting there is more important than how you get there. There wil be times you will have to change your plans or accept that the plans have been changed.

But, this won’t stop you from arriving.

Why? Because you giving up is the ONLY thing that can stop it!

Having a plan is essential to your dreams coming true.  A plan is an arrangement you make with yourself and/or whoever’s involved. It’s to help guide you. You got this, you can do it! 

Your dream isn’t faulty, it just may be your action plan!

Are You Giving Up Or Holding On

The ONLY way you won’t make it to your final destination is if you give up. You are the only person who can determine whether or not you make it to your final destination. (If there’s a WILL there’s a WAY)!

No one is in charge of your dreams but you.

No one knows them, hears them, sees them, or feels them the way you do.

I recommend not giving up on your dreams, even if they seem like they’re not coming true. You never know you can be around the corner from your destination.

Maybe you need to change your route or form of transportation. In other words, your mindset, actions, or the people around you may not be aligned with your goals/dreams.

This is why getting intentional is vital. You don’t want to give up on a dream. However, it can be easy to give up on something when you’re not seeing any results. 

How Many Opinions Have You Accepted

It’s not everyone’s opinion which path you take.

Listening to too many opinions will block your inner voice, and your inner voice is there to serve you. You know that voice that tries to keep you from doing things that will ultimately harm you.

You may hear them directing which way you go. 

Remember: Your inner voice will not cause confusion, it’s there for clarity. So if you begin getting confused, take a step back and remind yourself you are loved and cherished. And you have clarity of mind, body, heart, and soul.

No one hears the dreams in your heart. So, why listen to them for advice on something they don’t even see?

It’s ok to ask for help with things, but don’t be disappointed if people don’t understand to goal or dream. It’s not their dreams coming true, it’s yours.

You will, however, find people who WILL understand the assignment and work to encourage you towards it.

Again, don’t be disappointed if the people you love or around you don’t understand. Just know the dream was not given to them, it was given to you. Cherish it, nourish it, and develop it!

Final Remarks

You are in control of your dreams. Only you can decide whether they come true or not. 

Remember: If there is a WILL there IS a WAY, and it starts and ends with you.

Your life starts and ends with you -> Not the world. So, feel free to pamper yourself, love yourself, and live YOUR life. Only in this may you serve someone else. 

Many people confuse living WITH someone as trying to live FOR someone. It is not selfish to love yourself or take care of yourself. Because if you don’t who will? 

It is a shame to allow someone, other than you to live your life for you because they won’t do it like you would. They wouldn’t know how!

Until next time, subscribe to the newsletter, and remember, this is your life…

Love it, live it, own it! 

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