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What is Self-Discovery and 12 Simple Reasons It’s For You

So, How do you know if a self-discovery journey is for you?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered who was looking back at you? Was it because you didn’t recognize yourself, or the actions you’ve taken? The people you hang around or the places you frequent. What is your purpose, do you know?

Embarking on a self-discovery journey can be daunting, right? Anything that involves change is scary at first. 

First, let’s discuss what self-discovery is and what it means.

Self-discovery is a journey that involves getting to know yourself, exploring life, and finding ways to express who you are to the world.

Things that involve self-care, self-love, positive self-talk and more are all a part of your self-discovery journey. So, check out this post for beginner terms to starting your self-discovery journey. (Terms to know as you begin your self-discovery journey. Truth vs myth about self-discovery)

How do I know if self-discovery is for me?
Is Self-Discovery for you?

Self-discovery is a journey in which you are being intentional about your life here on earth. We don’t have much time here on Earth, it’s fleeting. So, why not enjoy it while you’re here?

This is what self-discovery is all about ~ being intentional about who you are.

Here are 15 Simple Reasons You Should Be on A Self-Discovery Journey.

Self- Discovery Will Help You Find How Authentic You Are!

It’s no secret we all are unique. There is something beautiful and unique in all of us, including you.

It can be difficult to be yourself and express who you are if you’re not familiar with who you are. By embarking on a self-discovery journey, you are intentionally finding out who you are, what your likes and dislikes are, and most importantly what you want to do.

This can change over time, and that’s okay. That’s why it is a journey.

Self-Discovery is Self-Love!
Self-love is a Masterpiece

Self-Discovery Teaches You To Love and Accept Yourself as is.

Everyone is already taken. There is only one of you!

Your taste, your style, your essence.

But how do you know who you are if you are just going with the flow, not paying attention to WHAT makes you, you?

By going on a self-discovery journey, you are taking back the reins of your life. It’s no longer just sitting back waiting and wondering when, why, and how. You are living, doing, and changing to create a life you want to live.

You Build Self-Confidence

Learning who you are, exploring life, and trying new things are the basic recipe to building self-confidence.

Guess what?

That’s what self-discovery is all about. 

Do you lack self-confidence? Would you like to stand tall and be proud of who you are and what you stand for?

Then a journey of self-discovery is for you. Nobody likes the feeling of being around people you don’t know. It’s daunting and unsettling. But what if the person you don’t know is yourself? How can you be confident in yourself if you don’t know them?

Self-confidence is the ability to trust in one’s own abilities and choices.

So, what about you, do you want to trust your abilities and choices in life?

You have the right.

Self-discovery is ALL about possibilities!
Life is not bland, and neither is you!

Self-Discovery Is All About Exploring Life & Possibilities

Life is NOT bland.

It is flavorful, delightful, and full of experiences.

How would you like to go to a turkey dinner and find out they’re just serving 10 plates of gravy? There is no variety and nothing that makes it different. It will get boring right?

Like life, there is more to it, than living every day the same way. That gets boring quickly.

As you discover who you are and what you have to offer, you discover more about the world around you.

For example, you want to get into shape and take 2-mile walks every day. As you go on this walk, you may notice the trees in the view and the birds that sing overhead.

As you discover you, you also discover life!

Self-Discovery helps you to know and learn your boundaries.
Boundaries are your limits!

Self-Discovery Teaches You Boundaries.

There is no such thing as a limitation.

However, there are such things called boundaries. These little suckers are the things that protect you and those around you. It’s a basis of how you want to be treated and lets people know what is acceptable and what is not.

For example, Jack established a rule that prohibits running inside the house. While it may appear to be a dull and unnecessary rule, it serves a crucial purpose in preventing accidents. If Sally were to run inside the house, she could trip, injure herself, and accidentally collide with Grandma, causing injuries to both. Thus, it is vital to set boundaries to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone in the house.

Boundaries are emotional, physical, spiritual, financial, and more.

As you learn who you are, you will set boundaries ensuring overall wellness.

You Begin To Hear Yourself Speak

Everyone has a voice. 

It’s an inner whisper that… 

  • warns you “You probably should stop eating that delish pound cake.”
  • Tells you “I’m sleepy, let’s rest.”
  • Advice you to walk away from a situation.

It’s there to help guide you through life.

Every time something needs to be done; your inner voice is communicating with you to get it done.

Your inner voice doesn’t just tell you when you need to do something or how. It also cheers you on encourages you, lifts you up on bad days, and gives solutions to your problems.

But how can you hear that voice if you’re too busy shutting it up? It’s your lifeline, your cheerleader, your safety net. It’s there to protect you.

You Stop People-Pleasing.

You can’t do both.

Yes, I said it Can’t. 

It’s hard to please people and yourself. You’re either doing one or the other. It’s like trying to walk in two different directions at the same time.

Can you do that?

When you start doing things that bring you joy, it stops being about everyone else. No, this doesn’t make you selfish. It makes you special. 

You cannot help someone who is drowning if you are drowning too. You also can’t give someone a cup of water if your water tank is empty.

The same goes for people pleasing and taking care of yourself.

People pleasing is exhausting and is NOT the same as community and unity. They are different characters.

Self-Discovery helps you to grow.
As you begin to discover who you are, you begin to grow.

You Grow On Your Self-Discovery Journey.

When you water a seed, it will grow.

Whatever you nurture is what will grow.

If you are taking care of yourself (aka nurturing yourself) you will begin to grow. You will see what works for you, and what don’t. What makes you happy and makes you sad? You will also build boundaries and walk away from unhealthy relationships.

All this makes you a better person.

Living for the gram and apologizing every chance you get is not a component of growth. It is a recipe for disaster and pain. 

However, eating right, sleeping restfully, and being thoughtful of your needs, make you a person of growth.

You Have More to Offer.

You are the offer.

As you discover things about yourself, you learn what your passions and talents are. You also learn what you would like to offer people. This is what makes you valuable.

It’s not how much you know or the quantity of the money you make.

It’s you, and everyone has something unique to offer, because they are the offer.

For example, any and everybody can sing Mercy by Shawn Mendes, but what makes the song different is the person singing it. The person’s style or tactic for singing the song. 

The song is just a song until you add you.

Calls You To Live For You!

Like people pleasing, you start to live more for you, and less for those around you. It’s not always easy, but imagine you have parents always telling you who to date and when. This can become exhausting, even with the best intentions.

When you start to discover who you are, you have less of a desire to live according to how everyone else around you wants you to live. You become more authentic and in tune with who you are as a person.

Thus giving you the freedom to live for you. 

Discovering who you are, frees you!

Self-Discovery Frees Yourself

It can be exhausting living your life for the pleasure of everyone but you.

Wouldn’t it be nice to just live for you? To wake up, get out of bed, and begin a life worthy of your time and effort.

Well, self-discovery is the answer for you. It is a journey something you choose to do every single day. You change as time goes on, and you heal, and you learn. This is self-discovery,

You are no longer waiting for the approval of people. Nor do you live to try to make yourself small and disappear. You live life. A gift that was given to each and every last one of us.

Self-discovery also gives you purpose.

You Begin to Heal

As you spend time with yourself, you begin to learn what makes you you. As well as what has happened to make you, you.

It’s well known that we are who we are because of what we have experienced in life. 

Self-discovery is about being honest with yourself, learning who you are, and developing skills to get you where you want to be. 

Through this process, you will learn about the things that have hurt you, disappointed you, or just kept you from moving forward. 

You also learn how to let go of the things you no longer want and begin to heal from those things that have held you back from reaching your goals.

In Conclusion,

Embarking on a self-discovery journey is a transformative experience that is worth pursuing. It offers numerous benefits, including finding your authenticity, learning to love and accept yourself, building self-confidence, exploring life and various possibilities, discovering your limits, and more.

By taking the time to understand who you truly are, you can lead a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

And Remember self-discovery is an individual experience. It’s also lifelong and will continue to shape and enrich your life.

Start your journey of self-discovery today and unlock the incredible potential within yourself. Subscribe to our newsletters for valuable content that will inspire and empower you on your path to self-discovery. You deserve to live authentically and embrace the extraordinary person you are.

Have an amazing journey, starting today!

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