5 Simple Steps to Help You Get Clear On What You Want From Life

There are so many different reasons we fail to reach for the life we want. It’s never a one-size-fits-all scenario. But what if I told you “You have everything you need to get started”?

It doesn’t take rocket science, and it doesn’t take tears. It takes intentionality, figuring out who you are, and what you want from life.

Is it painting on Saturday, learning how to dance, or reading your favorite author’s book?

What does the life of your dreams look like? It will be unique to you. You may have never seen it before but drawn inspiration from other’s lives.

You don’t have to live like everyone else. What is your dream life? 

Here are 5 Simple Steps to Help You Get Clear On What You Want From Life. Because you deserve to live, not just get by!

Let’s Figure Out Your Values.

Do you like when people are honest? Do you prefer communication over silence? What are your preferences? (Check out this list of values and mark what is important to you).

Values are core beliefs that a person stands by and agrees with. They are a code that a person lives by.

For example: I value integrity. So, not only do I hold myself accountable on living with integrity, but it is also something I desire, if not require, from the people around me. (the importance of setting boundaries and having values).

Figuring out what your values are, is a foundation of who you are and who you want to be. Life is a journey, so it is ok if you are not where you want to be now. But are you working on making that dream a reality?

Let’s Understand Who You Are As A Person.

Though I recommend this, this is in no way a depiction of who you are as a person.

Meaning this is not to tell you who you are, or to encourage you to be a certain type of person. This is just a guideline for understanding who you may be.

To give you comfort in knowing a little about who you are, and how to learn to move throughout life knowing you are ok and different. Not weird or whatever other term that has been used to negatively to describe you.

So, anyway to the recommendation.

Take a personality test to learn how to understand yourself better. I recommend this one from Truity.

It is ok not to know who you are. It is also ok if you do not agree with the assessment. Because again, this is not to tell you who you have to be, nor who you are. No one can tell you who you are, only you can do that.

Set Boundaries

When you are venturing on your journey through life, it may be easier to avoid setting boundaries.

I mean at times it’s not easy to say no. However, not doing so leads to more heartache for you, and takes away from having a peaceful life.

Boundaries exists to help protect your wellbeing, and your peace. It’s there to keep you moving in a way that will benefit you.

Let me be the first to tell you, if no one else has… It is ok to put your needs above others. In order to be your best self, you will need to be first, then others.

You cannot help someone breathe, if you cannot breathe yourself.

Everything in your life and the life around you comes from the inside out. So, don’t be afraid to set boundaries.

They will either be what helps you move forward in life (by setting healthy boundaries that work for you) or hinder you from moving at all (like not having any).

Be Open to Your Ideas, Inspirations, and Dreams.

So many times, people don’t realize how shooting down the ideas, or dreams of their hearts, they hinder their progress in life. It is so easy to shoot an idea down if you’re not open to the possibility of it happening.

All things are possible! You are unique and have ideas to bring to the table, but how can you do that, if you are consciously or subconsciously shutting down all your ideas?

Give yourself the grace to consider the idea before just saying it is impossible. Because Nothing is impossible.

You will just have to believe in it enough until the idea can speak for itself.

You’re capable, so stop shutting yourself out, listen when your inner voice speaks, believe even when it’s difficult. You never know, you might have a breakthrough on your hands.

Make it Tangible.

Whatever your dream, goal, or idea is, bring it to life.

A dream, goal, idea, etc. is just that until you make it real.

As I stated before everything starts from within you. Your dreams, desires, goals, etc. is in your inner world, where it will remain until you breathe life into it.

You can do this by writing, painting, drawing, making a list, creating a vision board, etc. This is also called manifesting your desired lifestyle. It’s taking an internal idea and breathing life (aka making it tangible) into it and making it real.

By using one or more of the senses to experience it. Until then, your inner world will always be your inner world. But if you are reading this post, the goal is to make your inner world a more tangible reality.

You can do it, you’re capable!

Remember why you are doing what you are doing.

Make sure it is something you want to have in your life and not something that will look pretty to or for someone else.

Your life is about you! It becomes dangerous, self-centered, or even selfish when you try to make yourself a centerpiece in someone else’s life.

The difference between being selfish and practicing self-care is one is to the misery of others, and the other is to benefit you. 

Final Remarks,

No matter what you try and do in your life, it is your life, and it starts from within you.

If you want to live more in alignment with your dreams you will need to believe you can do it, make it a reality, and know who you are now and who you want to be then.

This way you are intentional in your pursuit. It’s less about common pleasures and more about living out YOUR passions.

If you want to take a deeper dive into living out your life more intentionally, sign up for my newsletters to get more help on your path toward living free of the world, and more in alignment with your inner soul!

Enjoy the journey you are on. Watch the scenery, listen to the sounds, and remember to breathe. 

Sincerely, LaTeicia H.

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